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Group Overview

In 1982, MEAN WELL's founder, Mr. Jerry Lin established MEAN WELL ENTERPRISES to produce Apple and IBM compatible switching power supply products. The original brand name “MEAN WELL" was derived from his English dictionary.  To "MEAN WELL" means "to have good intentions."

"MEAN WELL" was derived from his English dictionary

This meaning is consistent with Mr. Lin's personal belief – that one who has right thinking, good intentions and runs a legitimate business, can persist and accomplish a noble goal. Later on, from the similar English pronunciation of "MEAN WELL," Mr. Lin came up with 「明緯」as the company's Chinese name.

In 1986, Taiwan's OEM/ODM orders from the electronic industry were booming, however, MEAN WELL gradually abandoned this business model and decided to cultivate our own brand. We started to develop standard switching power supplies and paid much more attention to quality and reliability. MEAN WELL means "Quality Switching Power Supply,” this slogan is actually the extension of the original of the enterprise. We provide the best quality power supplies based on our commitment to sincerity, so that our clients feel they can rely on the brand “MEAN WELL.” MEAN WELL represents “The Mark of Reliability.”

1988 MEAN WELL company in Banqiao

In 1993, MEAN WELL implemented ISO9001 and Total Quality Management (TQM). We established a complete quality system and acquired ISO9001. Further, a TQM committee was set up to clearly define MEAN WELL's quality policy and corporate principles. The spirit of the brand and quality requirement are deeply infused into our daily work.

MEAN WELL’s quality policy and corporate principals

In 1997, we modified our CIS (Corporate Identity System) and designed a new slogan -  Your Reliable Power Partner. We sure-footedly nurture the core of our competitiveness - P, Q, C, D, S, R (Products, Quality, Cost, Delivery, Service and Reliable Relationship). We continue to provide reliable power supplies to customers in the long term and become their reliable power partner.

"MEAN WELL" was derived from his English dictionary

This meaning is consistent with Mr. Lin's personal belief – that one who has right thinking, good intentions and runs a legitimate business, can persist and accomplish a noble goal. Later on, from the similar English pronunciation of "MEAN WELL," Mr. Lin came up with 「明緯」as the company's Chinese name.

In 1986, Taiwan's OEM/ODM orders from the electronic industry were booming, however, MEAN WELL gradually abandoned this business model and decided to cultivate our own brand. We started to develop standard switching power supplies and paid much more attention to quality and reliability. MEAN WELL means "Quality Switching Power Supply,” this slogan is actually the extension of the original of the enterprise. We provide the best quality power supplies based on our commitment to sincerity, so that our clients feel they can rely on the brand “MEAN WELL.” MEAN WELL represents “The Mark of Reliability.”

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